Special Education
The mission of the Halton Hills Christian School's Special Education Department is to provide inclusive education which recognizes that each child matters and is uniquely created with different learning styles and needs. In light of this, we recognize that some children require classroom accommodations or program modifications to experience success in their learning. At HHCS, students with exceptionalities are integrated into the regular classroom whenever possible. We also offer alternative programming for learning, including one-on-one instruction and smaller support groups in our resource room, which are tailored to meet student needs in one or more subjects. Our special education teachers collaborate with classroom teachers and paraeducators to make appropriate classroom accommodations. We are also pleased to offer access to the Fast ForWord Reading Program through our resource lab for struggling readers. Arrowsmith, a program specifically designed for students with learning disabilities, is another key program.
Learning Extensions
Learning extensions at HHCS are about engaging students' higher order thinking skills (creating, evaluating and analyzing) and ensuring that they are being challenged to think critically and creatively. Learning extensions are designed to complement our regular programming while challenging students to think in new and exciting ways. Students are given the opportunity to engage in these activities to develop 21st century skills (collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking and creativity).
Arrowsmith Program

The Arrowsmith Program is a suite of cognitive programs designed to address a series of cognitive functions underlying a range of specific learning difficulties. The program targets several areas of cognitive functioning involved in learning.
The goal of the Arrowsmith Program is to identify and strengthen a series of weak cognitive areas that affect learning, and each student works on cognitive programs that are individually designed for their areas of learning difficulty.
Upon completion of the program, the student’s increased learning capacities support efficient and effective self-directed learning.
Take Arrowsmith’s Cognitive Questionnaire, to find out if Arrowsmith Program is right for you?

CAT4 is a progressive testing system that assesses the essential learning outcomes of the following basic skill areas: reading, language, spelling, and mathematics. It evaluates how well students perform in comparison to other students across the region. Our students score well above the national percentile on these bi-annual tests.
Project Based Learning

We are proud to offer Project Based Learning (PBL) annually across all grades. These learning opportunities focus on teaching our students the importance of knowledge and skills derived from standards and key concepts at the heart of academic subjects. Skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and communication are necessary in our modern world. Students are engaged in an extended process of asking questions from their hands-on project work. Questions include opportunities for revision and reflection. At the end of every PBL, students present their work to an audience beyond their classmates and teacher.
It is a celebration and opportunity for our graduating students to highlight what they have learned and accomplished during their years at HHCS. This project is a way for us to measure the impact of our school’s vision and mission upon the heads, hearts and hands of our students.
Presentation of Faith and Learning